“You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it. If you start something new, then do it the right way, from the beginning, that way we can all be in it together.”
—Angelena Harridine Buckskin. 2018
We, Adelaide Chronicles, acknowledge this Kaurna country where we raise our families, work, and study, grow food and live our lives and we are indebted to Kaurna people on this unceded yarta.
We, the founders, believe that in order to move forward into a sustainable and regenerative future, we must first understand and respect the past.
We are a group with a vision of a regenerative, restorative and respectful future through podcasting stories. Stories have been told, collected and passed on through the generations forever, and we want to assist in retaining that knowledge.
The stories will be spoken from 4 distinct time periods:
- The first stories of course will come from the original inhabitants, or their nominated representatives, reflecting the continuing stories that describe their deep cultural connection to the environment and the importance they place on stewardship and sustainable agriculture and food harvesting.
- We will also respectfully gather the myriad of stories of the people who came after the First People, exploring those stories that are particular to Adelaide, that shaped it and that have made it into our place. Stories will be collected which include the colonial story of Adelaide, who came here, what they did and how they did it.
- Next is the turbulent 20th century, with its White Australia Policy, the Great Depression, 2 World Wars and numerous wars including the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq, the War on ISIL and various others all of which have had a profound influence on the psyche of all Australians. The Whitlam era presided over great social change as did the Dunstan era in Adelaide. Early in the century first wave feminists campaigned for the right to vote and at the end of the Boer war the Australian peace movement was initiated. The end of this century also was the beginning of the technology revolution.
- So into the 21st century story; the first 2 decades of the new millennium with huge advancements in technology and a growing awareness of environmental issues. The fourth time period is the now and the future, which (we think) by necessity involves including the ancient knowledge of stewardship of the land. The key word for this period is regeneration and is when we tell stories exploring possibilities for a society that nurtures its people, its land and habitat all the while taking full advantage of technology and modernity.
There are a myriad of stories within countless categories and we put out a call for passionate people to join us. As we develop we hope to move to multi-media forms, writing, film, oral histories, art and possibly performance theatre and dance. Please feel free to contact us if this interests you.
Given our current disconnect with nature we will likely arrive at a place where the best of contemporary knowledge recognises how as 21st century people, we need to “reconnect with nature” to have a sustainable future. There’s something of a redemptive value in that particular round trip.
We are Sue Gilbey, Senior Kaurna representative Michael O’Brien, Senior Kaurna woman Angelena Harridine, visual artist, performer and film maker, Mirning woman Ali Gumillya Baker and KuKu Yalanji man Karranjal John Hartley (of Two Brothers Walking), Sponsors Mark de Raad, Kirrilie Rowe and Jordan Parry.
Note: Adelaide Chronicles (AC) is different and separate from A Peace of the Action, (APOTA) which is heading into its 14th year. But both come under the Incorporated body Just Sustainability Australia. Essentially it is social justice radio expanding its scope.