Author: Sue Gilbey
early days
Here are some snippets of Irene’s early life, including a love letter, a poem from brother to sister, and a tribute to her dad.
Tracey from APN
Tracey works very casually as a crowd intoxicator in the event hospitality industry and is an incredible advocate for people living on low incomes. She tells a very compelling story about what she did with the extra money she received when Newstart became Jobseeker. The interview was recorded last year but is very topical now, with lots of references to the perils of casualising the work force. APN is the…
Pru La Motte
A Way of Being. An exhibition put together by Pru’s daughter, Margie Medlin, actually in Pru’s Frida style house, showcasing the multi-dimensional talent of this amazing craftswoman, artist and feminist Pru La Motte. It was recorded on the opening day of the exhibition and captures the quirkiness that was Pru, with background noise and people wandering in and out. Anne Levy and Marjon Martin added their comments as they came…
Lisa Lanzi
I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Lisa, listen up as she talks about how she got through 2020 and her up and coming interactive gig, Pub Sing Lisa Lanzi has worked in all areas of the performing arts, securing her first professional gigs at only eight years of age. Training extensively in her home town of Sydney in classical, tap, jazz and contemporary, Lisa worked as a freelance performer whilst…
Importance of early learning
Part 1 and 2 of a wonderful chat I had with Mel Angel and Ned Baulderstone on the importance of early childhood learning and language and place. A fine example of what can be achieved and the benefits that can come from a collaboration with children, teachers, artists and in this case a Kaurna cultural advisor Ngaitalya Tamaru. Part 2 has Ned singing some catchy little songs that came about…
Bill Cook’s poems
The amazingly talented Bill Cook reading 4 of his poems. The conversation at the end of the poem The Road is priceless as is the drawing he did of the said road.
anthony IBO
A bit of verse as a tribute to Anthony Tait for his retirement “do” A legend in education, the photo is of me in his DC office complete with a shark, disco balls and a moose head to name just a few absurdities
Indy Genoa presenter
this is the short story of Indy, in readiness for his presentation at the GENOA Re-store, Re-story seminar. The long story will follow Indy lives in a community house in the SF Bay Area – The name of our community project is “The Perch” because we have an amazing view of the SF, the Golden Gate bridge, the ocean and the world! Tons of birds…