perpetual light
I am honoured to be able to say I have a copy of this beautiful book; I’ve read it 3 times now and each time I get more from it. Have a listen to the author, Julian Aguon giving these 2 readings as well as an explanation of how this book came about. The interview sound quality is not great, mobile to mobile, Guam to Adelaide Australia, but it is a sampler of what you will get if you purchase it, which you can do from IMPRINTS, see the link in the post. I promise you it is worth every one of its Aussie $50. Please share widely so as many people as possible get to own this wonderful book and Julian would love it if it could be shared into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as well, and hey, we should try and bring him over for next year’s writers week, so spread the word. I will attach the reviews which include so many famous people when I post this