Posted on: October 1, 2022 Posted by: Sue Gilbey Comments: 0

the sheoak

The She Oak she/her tree

I’m an unashamed tree hugger,

I love all things nature, but I especially love trees,

I love sitting silently under them, listening to them breathe,

I know nothing about their genus, all I know is what is between us,

me and the tree,

One time, I flopped down on the ground, my back propped against the base of an old tree and closed my eyes and was surprised to hear a sound, as if a woman was near me and talking to me,

I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but what she was telling me was about this place where I was sitting, it was comforting, and it was as if we had a relationship, she knew me, she cared, she had a hold on me, and as I listened to her there was a question with no answer, WHY.

Then a couple walked past, they saw me, eyes closed, a faraway look on my face and they asked, are you ok, are you in any trouble, and in a second the spell was broken, and now my eyes are wide open and the couple are feeling sort of flustered saying sorry we won’t keep you and as they walked away, the woman looked my way and said, sorry we disturbed you, she’s a beauty that old tree and I swear I heard the sheoak give a long deep sigh.
